Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

we understand the importance of
protecting you & your clients

At A1Omni.COM Contact Centre, we understand the importance of protecting you & your clients when using our products and services.
We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and complying with applicable privacy laws, including but not limited to Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

We collect, use, and retain personal informaby with the principles in this Privacy Policy. These principles may be revised occasionally, and customers will be notified of any changes.

We may collect personal information from customers verbally, electronically, or in writing through various sources, including our website, customer surveys, and customer service representatives. This information may include – but is not limited to – contact information such as name, mailing address, telephone numemail address,ll as demographic inform,ation and any other information necessary for us to provide our products and services.

All personal information collected is restricted to our offices and will never be disclosed or shared with any third party without the customer’s prior written consent unless there is a legal or regulatory obligation to do so.

We will protect the personal information of all our customers and will not sell, trade, or rent the personal information collected to outside parties. We may use the information internally to improve our products and services or to send customers emails or other notifications related to products and services they may be interested in. All emails sent by our organization will provide a means to opt out of receiving future emails.

If customers have any questions or would like access or to update the information in our records, they may contact us directly by phone or through our website.